The Meme Club (TMC): The Beginning

NFT, a term you may have heard thrown around a lot lately.

So, what is an NFT?

It is a non-fungible token. Ugh! What? Okay...let’s dissect it a little more and know!

‘Non-fungible’ means ‘non-replaceable’; something that is unique and cannot be replaced by something else. Think of ‘Mona Lisa’, the most famous painting, which only has one physical copy. It is also one of the most replicated physical art work. Just like this, a digital piece is also very easy to replicate. NFT puts an end to this activity. An NFT encrypts a digital piece with a blockchain and makes it unique and non-replaceable. This means NFTs are such that they can’t be copied. Whoever owns an NFT, holds the valuable original digital piece. An NFT can be literally anything in the world in a digital format. It can be an image file, a gif, an mp3 file, a tweet, a meme, anything! You cannot exchange NFTs like cryptocurrencies or cash, you can only buy or sell them. 

To sum it up, NFT has a huge role to play in reshaping the next generation of internet i.e., Web3. MemeChat Pvt. Ltd.’s official entry to Web3 is ‘The Meme Club’ (TMC), a meme NFT marketplace.

  • The Meme Club (TMC):

The Meme Club is an NFT marketplace. MemeChat has entered the NFT space to build a bridge between the 4 million MemeChat app users and the world of NFTs. It supports the growth of meme creators by minting their viral memes into NFTs. TMC consists of a collection of 65+ authentic and viral meme NFTs on the Polygon blockchain, and... the list is ever growing! 
Around 10 employees of MemeChat created TMC and set out to create a dedicated marketplace for memes, right from scratch. Yep! From scratch! Now, TMC has already witnessed enormous popularity within the NFT ecosystem!

So... What makes TMC such a big deal?

Pretty sure, you must have come across the hype around TMC NFTs on the internet. Haven’t you?

  • Trending on social media:

  • News... To list a few! Ahem!

Why the hype? To begin with, whoever owns an NFT in TMC, gains access to this prestigious club. It is a ‘members only’ club, in which the members gain access to several exclusive perks such as; our merchandise, bunker parties, meet and greet events, meme box (an NFT in its tangible form), and much more. 

The members of TMC, as a community, control and decide what goes viral on the internet, hence, setting trends and creating an ecosystem of authentic viral content. If you own a TMC NFT, you are in it for the long run. An interesting roadmap has been formulated for TMC and its members. With each milestone in the roadmap, as TMC grows, so will the members!

  • The first triumphant success:

The first TMC NFT sale took place on 22nd January, 2022, and it was a HIT! 90 elite memers, right from sitting at home, traveling in a local vehicle, and residing in an aloof city, from the country bought/sold their meme NFTs on TMC! These TMC NFTs were sold in just 90 minutes! Hell, yes! The highest TMC NFT was sold for 250 Matic i.e., 30,000 INR.
Indeed, a banger!

  • Where to Next?

TMC will keep expanding, growing, pushing boundaries in the world of NFTs and, thus, changing the creator economy in India. Presently, our objective is to expand in India. However, once we gain success in India and attract attention from the international market, we envision to go global! 

There is a lot more to come! Stay tuned!


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