MemeChat: Ultimate place for spreading smiles

Two young entrepreneurs Kyle Fernandez and Taaran Chanana have taken memes to a new level with their social networking app Memechat. The idea behind memes is simple 'a picture speaks a thousand words. Memes are a worldwide social phenomenon, and an increasingly important aspect of viral marketing and social engagement. Memes often relate to existing cultures or subcultures. 


"People work for money but go the extra mile for recognition, praise, and rewards."  Memechat is tapping into meme marketing with the massive demand for meme content in India, helping people create, share, and make money from memes. The app incentivizes users with payment for participating in branded content and also enables users to see a feed of funny memes personalized to a user’s likes. Moreover, it helps in finding sponsored challenges to create memes, and search for hashtags that earn money for the user when they are shared. Meme Creators recognize the real power of meme trends and the access to make it a hot ticket over a while.   


Memechat is a fun new app that lets you share smiles with your friends. Just take a picture of your face, add a smile, and send it to your friends. Memechat is a great way to spread smiles and happiness. Adding to this, Memechat Pvt Ltd also launched a campaign #keepsmiling. The campaign focused on the belief “Part of being a person is about helping and making others smile". Within 24 hours of the start of the campaign, the dedicated staff of MemeChat took to the streets of Delhi offering meals to those in need. After witnessing a thriving campaign, Memechat escalated the campaign throughout India. On receiving such a constructive response, the team is all set for its next initiative which will be announced soon.


The perception of humor, relatability, shareability, and mood improving the potential of depressive, memes were all greater amongst individuals with symptoms of depression. According to Pen State Researcher, memes can help improve one’s confidence in the ability to cope with life during and after a pandemic . Memes can be used as a cheap and accessible way to communicate with the public about stressful situations. People are also enjoying the 

Memechat Keyboard allows them to reply to a conversation with funny memes. Through this application, you can reply to a conversation with memes and that makes things so much easier right? Now you don't have to google a particular meme template just download MemeChat APK, and you're all set to express yourself through your meme knowledge.

Memechat is one amazing app that is bringing smiles to people's faces all around the world. What's not to love about an app that is full of fun stunts, inspiration levels, and more smiles? Memechat is definitely entertainment at its finest, and it's having a positive impact on people's lives. It's amazing how something as simple as a meme can bring Good Feelings and make people smile. The Creators of Memechat are doing an incredible job, and they will surely continue to spread smiles far and wide.


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